Bodyworker & Therapist:
– Raynor Massage & Dorn Method –
Spiritual Coach & Mentor:
– initiating Men and Women into Spirituality –
Shiatsu & Traditional Meridian Therapy – The Art of Moxibustion –
Holistic Therapy:
– Womb Healing Therapy –
Meditation Teacher & Facilitator
Quantum Healing
Priestess Path by Elizabeth Seraphine:
– Valkyrie & Lineages of Light –
Creator of Coaching Programs:
– ‘The Journey of Remembering’ –
– ‘Remember Who You Are – Embracing the Sacred’ –
– ‘Dying with Grace’ –
– ‘Dancing with the Moon‘ –
Oracle & Tarot Reader
Former Dancer & Musician
Innate Motivator Speaker, Believer & Soul/Essence Researcher
Graphic Designer & Content Creator
Author of the book:
“A Voz do Corpo“
A Spiritual being, a woman, daughter, cousin, niece, granddaughter, friend, lover, companion, partner, wife and Angel on Earth

About me
Dalia is my born-given name. I am a Leo and I was born and raised in Portugal.
I am the only child and both my parents and I lived a traditional family life.
My mother always cared for her loved ones way more than most people I know, so she spent some years connecting with her brothers and sisters to keep the family together.
My father cared for his mother (my grandmother) and had many siblings which whom he grew distant at an early age.
My First Lineage
In my early years, my mother told me I was always dancing when I heard music. She decided to get me to join a local ranch folk dance group around 6 years old and I ended up being part for 12 years more.
On my 11th birthday, my mother gave me as a present, a membership to the local Music School to start learning electric organ, and later on, was followed by the piano.
My mother is my biggest influencer as you can read here and she is still pretty much alive in most things I do and how I see the world these days.
She also taught me the arts of knitting, cross-stitching and embroidery and I loved to be around her to make her smile.
Why is my family meaningful in my story?
Because my parents mark my childhood and teenage years with interesting experiences and when I look back it makes sense for me to say that this early start in life experience is my real school.
The most significant experience that awakened me
The Universe gifted me with my Mum’s passing at 17 and immediately after, I begin a passive-aggressive relationship that leads me to believe that I was a victim and on a constant emotional rollercoaster over 22 years. And while this was happening, my health started to be affected by many hidden emotions.
A second chance in life
When I felt that Portugal wasn’t allowing me to grow in any industry, I took a chance outside my home country, moving to the UK in 2006.
Moreover, London was my second home initiating me on an incredible journey of the soul that has brought me to where I am now.
Healing as my inner path
In my early 20s, I underwent surgery twice, was diagnosed with endometriosis and possible PCOS on my first, and lost one ovary resulting in internal bleeding on my second one.
Endometriosis is a big part of my learning and healing process with my emotions and reconnects with my female energy temple – my uterus. Six years of constant pain non-stop with my menses and other related health conditions triggered a deeper connection with my Soul’s essence and understanding better what my body was trying to communicate.
Creator of the Shamanic Journey of the Soul
Since young, I have felt a deep connection to GOD and the Universe. Always knew something was whispering in my Soul guiding my life in general, I just didn’t know how it happened and why it was there, until much later in life.
I have certainly been guided to initiate into the Priestess Path much later in my 30s. Only then, I became more determined in healing my wounds from long years of trauma. I also felt my heart wishing to embrace a new Journey of Love by attracting a beloved partner.
Living through the Dark Night of The Soul
The impact of the tragic death of my mother at 17 followed by a karmic relationship that lasted over 22 years, made me dive deeper into a journey of the Mental, Emotional and Spiritual worlds.
The many years of pain, trauma and life challenges, pushed me further in a deep journey to remember who I AM and what I am here for.
As a result, I have lived my Journey of Remembering through many stages of Emotions, Learning processes and Acceptance.
I also spent some years researching various themes of Personal Development, Healing, Ancient Wisdom, the Esoteric world, and so much more… Up until 2012, I started a different journey with Massage and other Holistic Therapies ensued that allowed me to put into action what I have learned and somehow remembered what my soul yearned for all along.
Overall the Journey of Remembering was and is a continuous form of going inwards. It allowed me to gain a deeper perspective of how life is portrayed throughout Time and how we can make the Change in this World.

For those who wish to know a bit more about my story here is the Podcast Somos run by a beautiful woman whom I had the pleasure to serve – Plínia Ribeiro. Spoilers alert – this podcast is in the Portuguese language though!

Boundaries, Are You a Vampire or An Empath with RivaJazz – Listen to this Podcast here.
My story is all about an initiated path of learning natural ways to healing.

When did the Inner Work start?

2008 was the year I dedicated part of my time to serving others so that many could embrace their Being with Love and be Calmer towards life. Guiding you to bring you closer to your Higher Self and to where you want to Be, letting you know how life is Greater/Beautiful and Simple!
I created my first website with Meditation, Beauty and Massage services.
During the cyclic gatherings, we helped each other in the Life processes.
And as a bodyworker, I had felt that my intuition was so strong in certain moments that I started paying attention to what it was telling me / guiding me.
As it took some time to understand it and be able to trust it too, I was then able to incorporate it into my Massage work. By doing so, the Universe connection made me feel humbled and blessed by the whole experience and synchronicity.
There are so many lessons to learn in life by all of us, that I have found ways to better share-serve-teach others towards their guidance, their own intuition and their own mission too.
Since young, I had this gut feeling that everything is possible! – And this has become a challenge to my Life’s Purpose/Mission.
Nowadays, I am sharing a variety of Health & Wellness services either treating the body and mind as guiding our paths in a more connected way with Spirit. That makes this whole life Journey worthwhile to see in others their happiness returned/remembered!
I am grateful for everything that has happened in my life. My intention is to guide and create a conscious awakening in each individual, either through Bodywork treatments, Spiritual Coaching, Oracle Readings, and many other Holistic approaches.
I truly wish you can enjoy it as much as I have learned to enjoy life.
Origin of the name RivaJazz

Nothing happens by chance. This name has a meaning just like anything else I say and do.
Let’s start by understanding that Music & Dance has been a part of my life from an early age.
As you read above, I joined a Music School and I learned that “Music is the expression of feelings and emotions through sounds”.
I also learned that Jazz was the mother of all music genres and styles back then (this is no longer true though, however, it has served the purpose – read below).
Years later, and after dancing for so long I adopted this meaning into my dancing improvisation style: “I express music through my body.”
As for the name Riva, it comes from an inspirational name that I found out on a Graphics Card I bought in 1999 – RivaTNT is the one! (It is an acronym that stands for Real-time Interactive Video and Animation Accelerator ).
By the time I felt I could create a name for myself in the years to come and turn it professional – RivaJazz was and is the full combination. It means that Dance & Music are the True Expressions of my Soul.
‘Among friends, family and co-workers I was able to access many visions, much knowledge of the soul. I love to observe others – is has been the best teacher to learn life and growth. – Hence a life full of lessons that made possible to help others.- And so it is! ‘

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