The Power of Co-creation is real

2 years ago, I was in London, working as a massage therapist and as an injury recovery Coach. I was living alone in my humble studio within a shared house. It was a special place as it was situated in front of Heathrow airport.
I loved every moment of it, from the vibration of the place to choosing to live in it.
My daily routine was set, I did between 9 to 13 clients a week and that was enough for me and my energy levels and health in general. So what was so different then from now?
I have no love life! In fact, I didn’t know what real love meant.
I had been questioning myself for many years if what I felt with my ex-boyfriend was what we call true love. During this time, we were separated and only exchanged messages online so our energies wouldn’t clash.
Earlier that year, I accepted his ‘leaving me’ as my body tried to reach out, showing a tranquillity that I was wishing for so long to feel. On the other hand, I was suffering from the thought of him leaving because it meant I was going to be alone and didn’t know how to take that on board. ‘Was I going to make it through life?’ – I asked!
Let me at least fill you in with an important detail – my severe dysmenorrhoea due to endometriosis journey – lasted for 6 years non-stop with monthly pains, vomiting and nauseous cycles up until my separation. I was tired of suffering every single month. I had to organise my professional life around these painful menses, so every month I took on average 3-5 days out of my work routine. After some time it makes sense to do this, just not in the beginning when you start asking why is this happening to you.
Fast-forward to that day that he left, my body immediately felt calmer, and less tensed and I could at least consider that this was something good and I listened! I gave it a choice! This is when my priestess sacred feminine warrior came along. I started searching online for ancestral lineages where I could feel spiritually nourished with strength and self-love, as well as find ways to heal my womb and perhaps develop my creativity.
Synchronicity was working almost immediately since I noticed a particular post from David Wilcock from announcing that he got married to a beautiful woman named Elizabeth Wilcock. And boy, I was smiling from ear to ear with their love story. I even yearned for one for me. so I started talking louder with me and my spirit guides to attract something like this for when the time is right! I was deserving of a beautiful Love!
Shortly after this wonderful post, I read about Elizabeth Wilcock and immediately joined my first online priestess path under her lineage. (if you wish to hear more about this peculiar synchronicity of both David & Elizabeth click here – it is a guide to how I had them in my lineage).
Little did I know that this would be the change I needed in my life!

The journey I’ve been doing during ‘The Priestess Path called Valkyrie’ by Elizabeth W., was a remembrance of my God-given gifts, my akashic records coming forward and all beliefs and images I have inside, come to surface into this world. I have then been recognizing that my inner voice was my path all along. All those years of hidden voice and uncertainties, frustration after frustration and not knowing if I was right or wrong made me realize that I was led to believe in a victimized world instead of an empowered one. Overall, I was being reminded to step into my Power Intuitive Feminine Sacred Wisdom.
Happy as I was then, I could only see greatness coming forward despite my alone time for almost 6 months. Our last session was all about attracting the love of our life into our world. This meant the world to me! For years I had been processing my past relationship, I had dreams that helped me enlighten during these times of searching and co-creating my divine and sacred essence. I even considered that my ex was probably the One and only had to accept who he was and simply step a little more into the Lionness I was becoming! – yet, something told me deep down inside – ‘it doesn’t resonate’!
This feeling was so activated in these last few weeks of August 2018 that I went to meet my ex and ask if he was seeing someone… and he hesitated! My immediate reaction was that of wanting to walk away and repulsing the idea of wishing to be with him. Turning my back and did not come back. So I felt shattered. Felt heartbroken in the days that followed. We even met for him to talk about his feelings – can you imagine I was still convincing myself I was going to be his friend? After all the ups and downs for 22years and counting? I was so wrong and the Universe was sending me the biggest conspiracy life goal of all Karma I had with this man.
A sudden seriousness and assertiveness of my anger exploded in my being and I could contain it no more. So when travelling to my home country – Portugal – I also travelled with him and we went our separate ways immediately.
On that journey, I was heading into a Women’s retreat – my very first – and I was fully heartbroken in this sisterhood circle.

On my return to my dad’s house, I had booked a tarot session with a friend and the synchronicity kept coming in like thunders! Me and Fernanda Brito – the owner of ‘Nas minhas mãos – O Futuro’ talked for a while before she did the reading for me and I was so amazed at the good news it was being presented to me. It was a sudden feeling that the Universe was preparing something huge for me that could shift years of pain, suffering, and frustration and live a more harmonious love life, embracing my essence as I am!
‘Wait a minute,… you already have someone…’ – before Fernanda finished her sentence I jumped in my chair – knowing who she was talking about, – ‘… that really, and really cares for you!’ – BOOM! – there it was! – The universe was confirming that the Greatest Love had turned up. So what happened, you are asking, when was this?
The day after I returned from the Women’s retreat I met someone that I knew existed just never knew him in person or dealt with him in my life. A cousin was helping in the family affairs and we were meeting to know each other and discuss those matters.
To his surprise, my face was of a brokenhearted girl who was in need of talking and letting go. On that evening we talked and talked little time never existed and we shared our pain throughout our lives and couldn’t believe that our energies were moving towards something greater! We both came home that night, happy, and calmer, and the moment he hugged me was marked forever, however, I didn’t take it so seriously then because we were cousins and didn’t lead the conversation hit that note either.
Our lives crossed paths again after that Tarot session, and after understanding how the Universe leads us to meet, I was vibrating, allowing my integrity to float a bit and keeping it cool. Later that evening, we both sat and talked, or I talked to him first. I knew he liked me as I liked him and so the only question I had for him was: ‘Does the fact of being cousins affects you?’ – and he simply told me – ‘No, not at all!’
Can you imagine the Stars in the sky laughing so hard at us, to say the least, of how much pain we had been through and suddenly allowing a new Love to show up like this?
Not in a million years, I would dream of this – or did I always dream of this? I am a strong believer that I wished this happen a long time ago!
So what happens after this amazing Love showed up, was a new way of living was around the corner waiting for me. In just a little over six months, I moved back to Lisbon – Portugal. I am ever grateful for that Mercury retrograde Full Moon Ceremony that blessed us with synchronicity. I allowed a vulnerable and harmonious love life along with my new path in the healing and coaching business to gain a different taste of Love, and a more smiley face too. (check the pictures before, during and after)!
Overall, the uniqueness of this story is to pass on the tales of sacred femininity wisdom that they do cleanse, calm and harmonize our essences, creating space for our co-creative reality and shifting old wounds. I am developing a program for women with similar stories to mine and guiding them to do this beautiful journey of the soul which is to embrace the sacred and allow our Essences to translate in Self-Love and live our divine purpose!
‘Be gentle, Be kind, Be You!
by RivaJazz
You are dearly loved, dear One’

Thank you dear and beautiful Love Luis – I love you and your Essence!
The Universe is our greatest conspiracy and has many ways to show us Love!
I bow to your dear Universe in humbleness and receive the Blessings.